The Dangers of Playing with the Devil
When you play with the devil, he doesn’t play fair. He’ll give you everything you want – all the drugs, women, promises, and power. But when he’s done with you, he’ll kick the legs out from under you. It’s like the Broadway play “Damn Yankees,” where they sell their soul to the devil and become a champion baseball player. That’s why you sometimes hear rockstars say, “I sold my soul to the devil.” Because once you make that trade, he’ll give you what you want. But people need to understand that the devil is not sharing his kingdom with anyone. He’s selfish, hateful, and his personality is that of hate and violence.
As I began to encounter these spirits, even though I was a fall-down drug addict, I began to take on the personality of the devil. I began to act hateful and violent in my career. I loved to see people hurt. I’d do card readings where I knew a man was committing adultery, and I cursed people – one man fell three stories into a wheelbarrow after I cursed him. Thank God that wheelbarrow was there, because he would have been killed.
I was studying all this witchcraft and thought everything was wonderful. But the same spirits that gave me power began to turn on me. Their personality is not nice or friendly. You can tell it in people deeply involved in witchcraft by the way they dress and act – ghoulish, with black nails, dark colors, and very strange.
The Spirits Turned On Me
The same voices that would tell me about people’s secrets during card readings now told me I should die. I walked around with a gun in my mouth, waiting for the moment to stop this power I had entered into. My drug use increased to the point that even the worst addicts in town wouldn’t get high with me. I had thick groves and abscesses all up and down my arms from injecting drugs.
In that drug state, I became even more promiscuous, hoping someone would love me for a little while. That’s what our kids are doing today – they want somebody to love them for 15 minutes, which is why sex has become so casual, even at very young ages.
Locked Up and Hopeless
At one point, they locked me up in a mental institution behind a metal door because I had gotten so crazy. My arms were full of needle marks, my nose full of blood from cocaine. I had serum hepatitis from filthy needles. After they let me out, I became pregnant again and got a legal abortion. Sitting down after the abortion, I realized I had wanted that baby, hoping it could change things for me. But it was too late.
I had now had three abortions, a child taken away from me, was hopelessly drug-addicted, and the doctor told me I had chronic active hepatitis B. My liver was turning into a piece of leather. At that point, I decided it didn’t matter if I lived. I increased the drugs, insanity, promiscuity, hatred and violence. I was totally suicidal.
A Glimmer of Hope
Then one day, while working at a bar, a young woman named Linda Smith approached me. She believed in the power of God and wanted me to see a higher power that superseded the darkness I was operating in. Linda showed the love of God in the way she acted, not just talked. She introduced me to Jesus – a man who didn’t rape, beat or use me, but loved me for who I was. A man able to heal my diseased liver, bleeding ulcers, mentally ill mind, and broken heart. Because he was the Son of God.
Interesting Facts:
– Witchcraft has been practiced throughout history and across many cultures. It often involves invoking supernatural powers for good or evil purposes.
– Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It can lead to chronic liver disease and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer.
– Faith and spiritual beliefs can be powerful forces in helping people overcome addiction, illness, and hopelessness. Many treatment programs incorporate elements of faith and spirituality.
Very short correction section only if absolutely necessary: No corrections needed, as the account seems to be a personal testimony rather than a factual report. The supernatural elements cannot be verified or disproven.