Natural Remedies to Cure Head and Face Issues by Eliminating Excess Mucus

Natural Remedies to Cure Head and Face Issues by Eliminating Excess Mucus

The text discusses a holistic approach to treating various head and facial issues by addressing excess mucus buildup. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Understanding the Root Cause

Many head and facial problems, including brain issues, teeth problems, hearing problems, and sinus congestion, may be caused by excess mucus in the head region. This is often not widely understood or discussed in conventional medicine.

What is Mucus?

• 🧠 Mucus is a thin layer of liquid covering all internal organs
• 🛡️ It helps defend against invaders, toxins, heavy metals, and acids
• ⚠️ Problems arise when the lymphatic system is unhealthy and we consume the wrong foods

How Excess Mucus Accumulates

Over time, mucus can accumulate throughout the body, including the head region, leading to various issues affecting the eyes, nose, mouth, and brain.

remove excess mucus head

Proposed Solutions

Diet Changes

• 🍓 Consume a diet high in astringent fruits, berries, melons, and citrus fruits
• 💧 These fruits help liquefy and move the lymphatic system
• 🦠 They also hydrate cells at a cellular level

Herbal Remedies

Use herbs that encourage lymphatic system movement:
• 🌿 Cleavers
• 🌱 Red root
• 🍃 Plantain
• 🌳 White oak bark

Cleaning Techniques

1. Ear cleaning: Use an ear irrigation kit to remove wax or mucus
2. Eye cleaning: Use an eyesight formula in an eye cup twice daily
3. Nasal cleaning: Use a neti pot with essential oils like eucalyptus
4. Scalp massage
5. Chew horseradish root or wasabi to encourage nasal drainage

Upper GI Tract Cleaning

Use herbs to break up mucus in the upper GI tract:
• 🌼 Mullein
• 🌸 Coltsfoot
• 🌺 Inula
• 🌲 White Pine

Expected Results

By following these methods, the text claims:
• 👁️ Eyes improve
• 👃 Nasal passages clear up
• 🧠 Brain function improves
• 🦷 Teeth health improves

Addressing the Root Cause

This approach aims to address the root cause rather than just treating symptoms. By removing excess mucus from the head, many issues may resolve and not recur.

Additional Interesting Facts

The human body produces about 1-1.5 liters of mucus per day
• 🦠 Mucus contains antibodies and enzymes that help fight infections
• 🧬 The gene responsible for mucus production is called MUC5AC
• 💊 Over-the-counter decongestants can sometimes worsen mucus problems by causing rebound congestion
• 🥛 Dairy products are often associated with increased mucus production, though scientific evidence is mixed

Remember, while this approach may have merit for some individuals, it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your diet or starting new treatments.

Source Video: Watch or Download. These ideas are presented for entertainment purposes only. They encourage you to explore and critically evaluate different perspectives.