The Dangers of Wheat Consumption
According to a study published by Dr. Fasano from Harvard University, when a person consumes wheat, not just those with celiac disease but everyone, experiences small tears in the lining of their intestines.
Autoimmune Diseases Start in the Gut
- 🔸 Clinical research has shown that autoimmune diseases originate in the gut.
- 🔸 As Hippocrates said over 2,000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut,” including autoimmune diseases.
The Gut Barrier and Its Permeability
In autoimmune diseases, there is a barrier between your bloodstream and your gut, known as the gut lining or intestinal epithelium. This lining has microscopic holes:
- 🔸 Over time, if someone has inflammation in the gut, the holes in the gut lining can become larger.
- 🔸 Some cells in the gut lining renew themselves rapidly, with a complete renewal every 3 to 7 days, similar to how a snake sheds its skin.

The Cumulative Effect of Wheat Consumption
Each time you consume wheat, whether it’s toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, pasta for dinner, croutons on your salad, or cookies, you cause tears in your gut lining. These tears heal, but the constant cycle of consumption and healing can lead to persistent inflammation and a leaky gut.
Additional Perspective
While Dr. Fasano’s research highlights the potential dangers of wheat consumption, it’s important to note that not everyone will experience the same level of gut damage or adverse effects. However, for individuals with autoimmune diseases or chronic inflammatory conditions, limiting or avoiding wheat may be beneficial in managing their symptoms.
It’s also worth considering that the modern processing of wheat and the prevalence of refined wheat products in Western diets may contribute to the inflammatory response. Consuming whole, minimally processed grains or seeking alternative grain sources could potentially mitigate some of the negative effects.