Flat vs. Globe Earth: A Plan to Settle the Debate Once and For All

Globe vs. Flat Earth: A Plan to Settle the Debate Once and For All

Regardless of your beliefs about the Earth’s shape, whether it’s a globe or flat, this issue matters to every person on Earth. It’s proposed to settle the debate once and for all, without any official involvement or accusations of cheating from either side.

The Proposed Experiment

  1. Gather a group of six famous and outspoken globalists and six famous and outspoken flat earthers.
  2. Split them into two groups of three globalists and three flat earthers each.
  3. Put each group in a separate airplane, starting from the same point near Chile.
  4. Have the two planes fly in opposite directions, following the coastline of Antarctica.
  5. If the Earth is a globe, both planes should meet approximately halfway around, near Tasmania, after traveling about 5,000 miles (10 hours at 500 mph).
  6. If the Earth is flat, both planes should meet after traveling around 39,000 miles (78 hours at 500 mph).
  7. Equip all passengers with live video cameras to record the journey and prevent cheating.
  8. The side whose prediction is wrong must admit they were mistaken.

Why It Matters

The powers that be have the capability to conduct this experiment but choose not to, likely to keep people divided. Just like sex, age, religion, race, gender, party politics, and vaccination status. This division and arguing among the masses distracts from those truly responsible for the world’s issues.

Discovering the truth about the Earth’s shape could unify humanity, just like the Death Star’s weakness in Star Wars brought people together against a common enemy. The inherent flaw was deliberately built in by the creator, allowing for its destruction.

Additional Perspective

This experiment offers a practical and transparent way to settle the long-standing debate about the Earth’s shape. By involving members of both camps and allowing them to witness the journey firsthand, it removes the need for trust in official sources and encourages critical thinking. The potential for unification, regardless of the outcome, is a compelling reason to pursue this endeavor.

Source Video: Watch or Download. These ideas are presented for entertainment purposes only. They encourage you to explore and critically evaluate different perspectives.