Mysterious Deaths and Disappearances Plague Free Energy Inventors

Mysterious Deaths and Disappearances Plague Free Energy Inventors

The World of Free Energy: A Trail of Mysterious Deaths and Suppressed Inventions

In the realm of free energy research, a disturbing pattern has emerged: inventors and scientists on the brink of groundbreaking discoveries have met untimely and suspicious deaths. From Ari to go, who patented free energy technology, to Nicola Tesla, whose research was funded by JP Morgan, the list of casualties is long and troubling.

Ari to go: Patented Free Energy, Found Dead

Ari to go had patented technology on free energy and was headed to the airport to meet with investors. However, he never made it to his flight, as he was found dead in his car under mysterious circumstances.

free energy inventors mysterious deaths

Other Victims in the Free Energy Movement

Stefan Marinov, leader of the European free energy movement, fell out of a window after a major breakthrough in 1997 💀
Dr. John Mull, a nuclear physicist, died from arsenic poisoning before revealing a significant discovery; his girlfriend, the primary suspect, was also found dead 💀
Dimitri Patronoff, inventor of a plasma battery, disappeared after going to buy bread 🍞
Zachary Warfield, who collaborated with Patronoff, died in a boating accident 🛥️
Eugene Milove, a cold fusion expert, was beaten to death before going public with his prototype 💀
Rory Johnson, inventor of a cold fusion motor, died mysteriously despite being healthy 💀
Mark Tommyin, awarded a patent for a zero point energy system, was found dead with his research missing 📁
Stan Thompson, developer of a water-powered car, died during lunch with investors, claiming he had been poisoned 🍽️

Nicola Tesla and JP Morgan

Nicola Tesla, the visionary inventor, believed in the possibility of free energy. His research was funded by JP Morgan, who owned General Electric, copper mines, and rubber mills. When Tesla claimed to have figured out free energy and requested additional capital, JP Morgan shut him down. 💰

It’s worth noting that suppressing technologies that could benefit humanity may contribute to global inequality and high living costs.

Additional Facts:

– In 2016, a group of Russian scientists successfully tested a prototype of a nuclear battery that can last for 50 years. ⚛️
– The concept of zero-point energy, which some free energy devices aim to harness, is based on the idea that there is a vast amount of energy present in the vacuum of space. 🌌
– Some conspiracy theorists believe that the suppression of free energy technologies is part of a larger agenda to maintain control over the global population and economy. 🌍

The world is indeed full of strange coincidences and mysterious events surrounding free energy research. While some of these claims may be speculative, the pattern of deaths and suppressed inventions raises questions about the potential existence of technologies that could revolutionize our understanding of energy and its accessibility. 🤔

Source Video: Watch or Download. These ideas are presented for entertainment purposes only. They encourage you to explore and critically evaluate different perspectives.