The Disconnect Between Humans and Nature
In the past, humans spent a significant portion of their time outdoors, around 85% to be precise. However, in modern times, the average human spends less than 2% of their lifetime outside. This drastic shift has led to a disconnect between humans and the natural world, particularly the earth’s surface.
The Earth’s Magnetic Field and Its Impact on Human Health
The earth is a giant magnetic field, and when we come into direct contact with the ground, such as walking barefoot on soil, grass, or sand, we discharge into the earth. This process is known as earthing or grounding, and it has a profound impact on our bodies.
Demonstrating the Effects of Earthing
The author conducted an experiment using a voltage meter to demonstrate the effects of earthing. They plugged one pole of the meter into the ground and held the other pole while wearing tennis shoes. The meter showed zero voltage going through their body. However, when they took off their shoes and stepped directly on the ground, the meter’s pin moved all the way to the right, indicating a significant change in the body’s electrical state.
The Benefits of Earthing
Earthing can have several beneficial effects on the human body:
- 🔋 It can change the polarity of the body
- 🩸 It can shift the alkalinity in the blood
- 🦠 It can change the polarity of the 32 trillion cells in the human body
Additional Insights on Earthing and Human Health
Research has shown that earthing can help reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and decrease stress levels. When the body is in direct contact with the earth, it can absorb the earth’s negative charge, which helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
Additionally, earthing has been found to have a positive impact on the body’s circadian rhythms. By synchronizing the body’s internal clock with the earth’s natural rhythms, earthing can help regulate sleep patterns and improve overall sleep quality.
Some studies suggest that earthing may also have pain-relieving properties, particularly for chronic pain conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. This is thought to be due to the anti-inflammatory effects of earthing and its ability to reduce cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can contribute to pain and inflammation.
While modern lifestyles have led to a disconnect between humans and the natural world, reconnecting with the earth through grounding or earthing can have significant benefits for our health and well-being. By making a conscious effort to spend more time outdoors and in direct contact with the earth, we can tap into the earth’s natural healing properties and support our body’s natural functions.