Rockefeller Foundation's Role in Changing Music Frequency to 440 Hertz

Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in Changing Music Frequency to 440 Hertz

The frequency of music underwent a significant change in the early 1900s, shifting from 432 Hz to 440 Hz. This change has been the subject of much speculation and conspiracy theories.

The Change in Music Frequency

The original frequency of 432 Hz was believed to have calming effects on the human body, including:
• 😌 Lowering blood pressure
• 🧘‍♀️ Calming nerves

In contrast, the new frequency of 440 Hz is said to:
• 😬 Make nerves tingle
• 🩺 Raise blood pressure

Standardization of Music

The standardization of music to 440 Hz was reportedly funded and controlled by corporations within the music industry. As the industry became more monopolized, a small number of entities gained significant control.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s Involvement

The Rockefeller Foundation played a crucial role in this standardization:
• 🎵 Sponsored a music education conference in Europe in 1939
• 🌍 Recommended tuning Western music to A440 Hz
• 🏆 This became the international standard for music frequency

alexa music frequency change 432 to 440 hertz

Musicians and the 432 Hz Frequency

Some musicians have shown interest in the 432 Hz frequency:

• 🎸 Prince reportedly discussed the golden ratio of frequency
• 🎹 John Lennon allegedly tuned his piano to 432 Hz

Additional Facts

The ratio between adjacent terms in the Fibonacci sequence tends towards the golden ratio, a concept that Prince was aware of and mentioned in a letter.

The debate between 432 Hz and 440 Hz continues to be a topic of interest among musicians and music enthusiasts. While some claim significant differences in the effects of these frequencies on human physiology and consciousness, scientific evidence supporting these claims remains limited.

Source Video: Watch or Download. These ideas are presented for entertainment purposes only. They encourage you to explore and critically evaluate different perspectives.