"8% of Humanity Needed to Unlock Fifth DNA Strand and Stabilize Earth Grid"

“8% of Humanity Needed to Unlock Fifth DNA Strand and Stabilize Earth Grid”

The Importance of DNA Activation for Earth’s Ascension

According to the text, it is crucial for at least 8% of the Earth’s population to assemble the fifth DNA strand and hold fifth-dimensional frequencies in their bodies. This is necessary for the Earth to properly merge with Tara during the current time cycle. Although we are close to reaching this goal, we haven’t quite achieved it yet.

The guardians are asking us to learn about our DNA and use the higher chakras to bring high-frequency energy into the DNA, which helps it assemble. The higher you can get your DNA and consciousness vibrating, the more connected you are to the Earth’s grid, making it vibrate faster. There is strength in numbers, and the more people who can do this, the faster the Earth’s grid will vibrate.

activate dna ascend earth grid

Worst-Case Scenarios

If humans ignore this opportunity, there are two worst-case scenarios:
1. Entering the morphogenetic wave period with severely imbalanced grids, causing:
– Loose seals on the Earth’s vortexes
– Volcanic activity
– Massive plate shifting
2. A 45-degree shift of the Earth’s angle spinning on its axis, which would be catastrophic for history

However, it seems unlikely that these scenarios will occur, as the situation is not that dire yet. The guardians want us to be aware of the potential consequences and understand the importance of paying attention to spirituality.

The Manifestation of the Fifth DNA Strand

If things go according to plan, during the five-year period when the wave is cresting, the fifth strand of DNA will manifest spontaneously within the bioenergetic field of every person on the planet. Currently, people have different gene codes, with some having a fourth DNA strand assembled, while others only have two.

The human being was originally designed to have 12 strands of DNA. When fully activated, we become immortal, live in harmonic universe 2, and are composed of less dense particles. Evolution is about pulling frequency into our morphogenetic field from the unified field of dimensions, which is how DNA strands evolve.

Repairing Damaged Genetic Codes

The guardians are providing information on how to use higher chakras to repair damage done to our genetic code over the past million years. Our species has been altered several times, with certain codes, base tones, or overtones unplugged within certain DNA strands, stopping the evolutionary process and preventing ascension.

The guardians plan to give us exercises on how to use the higher chakras and chelantic exercises to repair the DNA strands, allowing us to take control of our own ascension process.

The Significance of Portals and Ascension

Even if only 20 people were able to make it through the portals without having to die, it would be a significant victory for the human race. The hope is that many more people will be able to go through the portals.

If the natural morphogenetic wave occurs as planned, certain areas may experience earth changes, and large groups of people may be killed. While this may appear tragic, it is important to understand that the souls involved knew they couldn’t assemble their DNA fast enough and wanted to ascend from D4 while the portals were open. After leaving the physical body in D3, one goes to D4.

In the next 20 years, if we see more groups of people dying, we should not be frightened, as there is a higher purpose behind it, and those people want to be free.

Additional Interesting Facts

– DNA activation is believed to enhance psychic abilities, increase intuition, and facilitate a deeper connection with the divine.
– Some people claim that activating the 12 strands of DNA can lead to the manifestation of superhuman abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, and the ability to heal others.
– The concept of DNA activation is often associated with the belief in star beings, extraterrestrial civilizations, and the idea that humans are descendants of advanced races from other planets or dimensions.

Please note that the information presented in this text is based on speculative theories and beliefs that are not supported by mainstream science. It is essential to approach such ideas with a critical mind and to seek guidance from qualified experts in the fields of genetics, spirituality, and personal development.

Source Video: Watch or Download. These ideas are presented for entertainment purposes only. They encourage you to explore and critically evaluate different perspectives.