Monroe Institute Releases Tapes Revealing Shift to Human-Centric Era

Monroe Institute Releases Tapes Revealing Shift to Human-Centric Era

The Power of Human Potential

According to Robert Monroe’s channelings with an interdimensional entity named Miranon, the human species is in the middle (period 4) of seven evolutionary epochs on Earth. The master spirit of our current epoch is the Christ spirit.

Miranon reveals a profound insight: the beginning of this era focused on what we can make, but we’re about to enter a period where it’s about what we are. Previously, our existence revolved around inventing and building external things like weapons, vehicles, phones, and medicines to address our needs and problems.

monroe institute robert monroe channeling miranon human evolution

However, the upcoming period will focus on the power of the human body and our connection to the divine (source above) and Earth (Gaia below). Humans are powerful, spiritually connected beings, but we have lost touch with this truth.

Rediscovering Our True Potential

The question arises: how do we transition from our current reliance on external tools to rediscovering our innate human potential? Miranon suggests this shift may not happen naturally. A significant event, like a solar storm or a grid-down scenario, might force us to rediscover our roots and resilience.

Humans are unique among Earth’s creatures, lacking natural defenses like claws or fur. Our true power lies in our minds – the supercomputer connected to the Earth and the divine source. With modern conveniences, we have forgotten this fundamental truth about our species.

Unlocking Human Capabilities

  • 🧠 Telepathic powers: Studies have shown that telepathic communication is possible through shared brain patterns and electromagnetic signals.
  • 🔮 Manifesting with thoughts: The law of attraction suggests that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality, as explored in books like “The Secret”.
  • ⚕️ Healing with our bodies: Practices like meditation, energy healing, and mind-body techniques can promote self-healing, as demonstrated by disciplines like Qigong and Reiki.

While the path to rediscovering our true human potential remains uncertain, Miranon’s message invites us to explore the extraordinary capabilities within us – capabilities that may soon become essential for our evolution.

Source Video: Watch or Download. These ideas are presented for entertainment purposes only. They encourage you to explore and critically evaluate different perspectives.