The Vibration and Resonant Qualities of Life
An inventor named Mr. Reid has developed a device that can show the vibration or resonant qualities of anything from cells to fruits to the most basic forms of life. He recently conducted an experiment on blood cells, and the results were fascinating.
Music’s Impact on Red Blood Cells
In Mr. Reid’s experiment, every type of music that was played created a remarkable result. The red blood cells that were counted in the musical environment were always significantly higher than they were in the quiet environment. This suggests that music has a positive impact on the health and vitality of our blood cells.
The Sound of the Heartbeat and Blood Oxygenation
According to Mr. Reid, every heartbeat produces a low-frequency pulse of sound. This sound is a mechanical pressure that causes the binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin in our blood cells. In other words, the sound of our heartbeat plays a crucial role in the oxygenation of our blood.
The Connection Between DNA and Music
Mr. Reid suggests that there may be a connection between DNA and music. He points out that DNA shares the same molecular shape as its frequency shape, a concept known as fractal resonance. This could be the key to understanding genetics in general.
The Geometry of Sound and Sacred Geometry
According to the text, the geometry of sound is shared by every tradition and links all of humanity. We’ve been reflecting this for centuries, and now it appears to be some sort of hidden code. The text mentions that DNA has a dodecahedral structure, which is made up of pentagons. When you look at it from the right perspective, the bond angles of DNA align with the corners and edges of the dodecahedron.
Interesting Facts About Sound and Geometry
– Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. When sound waves pass through a medium such as water or sand, they create patterns that can be observed and studied. These patterns are known as cymatic images.
– The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, is a mathematical constant that appears frequently in nature and is considered aesthetically pleasing. It has been used in art, architecture, and music for centuries. Interestingly, the geometry of the golden ratio is closely related to the geometry of sound and music.
– Many ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and the Greeks, used sacred geometry in their art and architecture. They believed that certain geometric shapes and patterns had spiritual significance and could be used to connect with the divine.
BaseFörge’s Mission
BaseFörge is an organization that aims to bring people up to speed on this information so that they can do something with it. They have produced several books, including Codex, Geometrics, and Harmonic Alchemy, which explore various aspects of esoteric knowledge, sacred geometry, and hermetic teachings.